Join the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League

The DSOL welcomes anyone interested in joining us as we serve our community. If you have not had the opportunity to join or know someone who might like to become a member, it is not too late!
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Upcoming DSO League Events
The Dallas Symphony Orchestra League hosts an annual Fashion Show and Luncheon. Each year the Event Chairs craft a beautiful event featuring a special designer showcasing fashions by guests on runway. The event includes a reception and luncheon. There are raffle tickets available for purchase and a live auction which support the DSOL’s effort to raise funds for DSO Education programming. Learn more by visiting the DSOL Fashion Notes webpage here.
Visit the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League website here to learn more about Junior Symphony Ball and how to purchase your tickets.
If you wish to contact someone to learn more about JSB or have a question related to steering committee, ticket sales, or General Admission waitlist please contact the JSB Committee at
The Junior Symphony Ball is an annual fundraiser open to High School students in their sophomore, junior, or senior year. The evening features live music, casino games with chips to redeem prizes, food and beverages. Serving on the Steering Committee is an excellent way to be involved in the planning and execution of the event while earning community service hours and leadership experience for college resumes. Steering Committee tickets launch in August and guarantee your entry to JSB. General Admission tickets are available in January and sell out almost immediately.
The Junior Symphony Ball fundraising efforts support the DSO Education Programs & Outreach. Learn more here about our wonderful education programs.
Visit the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League website here to learn more about Presentation Ball and how to purchase your tickets.
The Dallas Symphony Orchestra League Presentation Ball is a magical evening honoring Dallas Symphony Orchestra Debutantes and their families. The Debutante season encompasses a year full of memorable experiences that bond our young adults and their families with the community and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. The social season begins in late May with the formal Announcement Party and continues through the summer months. Special parties and events in November and December lead up to the Ball weekend. Festivities are planned in accordance with college breaks.
Funds raised by this beautiful tradition support the Dallas Symphony Orchestra’s Education and Community Outreach Programs. Learn more here about our wonderful education programs.
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Details TBA