Michael Hix
Baritone Michael Hix has been praised by critics for his “expressive voice” and “commanding stage presence.” His career highlights include performances at Carnegie Hall, Tanglewood Music Center, Boston’s Symphony Hall, and Vienna’s Musikverein.
Hix is a sought-after performer of concert and orchestral works with over 75 oratorio, cantata, and concert roles in his repertoire. In 2019 he was awarded 3rd Place in the American Prize Competition for Oratorio and Art Song Performance. Past concert and oratorio solo engagements have included Mendelssohn’s Elijah, J.S. Bach’s La pasión de San Mateo, St. John Passion, B Minor Mass, Magnificat, Weihnachts-Oratorium, Handel’s Mesías, Brahms’ Réquiem, Fauré’s Réquiem, Haydn’s Creación, Orff's Carmina Burana, Vaughan Williams’ Dona Nobis Pacem, Hodie y Cinco canciones místicas and Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, Kindertotenlieder y Des Knaben Wunderhorn, among others. European performances include the bass solos in Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass and Heligmesse at the International Haydn Festival in Vienna, Austria and song recitals in Leipzig, Dresden, Loebau, Lindlar, and Duersheid, Germany. Hix has been featured as a soloist in concerts with the Oregon Bach Festival, Arizona Bach Festival, Boston Pops, Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra, Santa Fe Desert Chorale, Georgia Symphony, New Mexico Philharmonic, San Juan Symphony, True Concord Voices and Orchestra, Tallahassee Symphony, Highland Park Chorale, Northwest Mississippi Symphony, Montgomery Symphony, Brevard Symphony Orchestra, New York City’s Trinity Lutheran Bach Vespers Series and the Tallahassee Bach Parley among others. Hix is currently an Associate Professor of Vocal Studies and Chair of the Department of Music at the University of New Mexico.